Tennis elbow


Tennis elbow is a common injury and it can happen to anyone who repeatedly overuses their elbow, wrist, and hand as part of their sport, job, or hobby.

Repeated and prolonged use of the wrist and hand, including computer keyboard typing or operating a specific tool can lead to tennis elbow.

At Komeo physical therapy, your physical therapist will perform a global assessment and take a careful look at not only your elbow but also other areas of your body

that might be affected and might be contributing to your pain such as your wrist, shoulder, and even the neck.

Your physical therapist will perform special manual tests that help diagnose the root cause of the problem.

Your physical therapist will design a specific treatment program to effectively and efficiently speed your recovery.

How can tennis elbow be prevented?

Using the proper technique in your sport or in your job, and using equipment that is well designed and appropriate for your body type and your level of activity.

A fitness regimen that addresses the upper body strength, especially the wrist and elbow complex

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